I was gonna post about lots of things, but one by one I forgot what they were. Go figure, right? But now it's 4:38am and I don't feel like making this long, since I have a long car ride ahead of me and I want as much new music on my ipod as possible so I don't get bored. So while Shareaza is my first priority, this must be updated because I am leaving for Gainesville today and when I get back I want to talk about me trip. Lucas is going back to school (UF) and my mama is driving him, and she asked if I wanted to go with for the trip. Basically we are just dropping him off at his apartment (he's living off campus this semester, his first apartment which means no one will be "looking out" or coming in once a week to clean his bathroom and empty the trash) and then me and moms are going to a motel for the night and maybe we will do something else, I will write about it upon my return. I am gonna miss my little bro soooo fucking much! I'd take another month of his screaming asshole friends if it meant he got to stay here another month... : (
Anyways I stopped smoking pot which I guess is good. Greggie is helping keep me in check with that cause there's no hiding shit from him. He always knows what I'm trying to hide, which can get on my nerves but it can actually be a good thing. I figure after the munchkin is born, I can decide what I want to do then although maybe being "weedless" is better. Guess I'll find out.
The "hurricane" turned out to be nothing, although a tornado touched down in the suburb where I live (not that far from me actually). It took down a bunch of horse barns (there are tons of equestrians and polo players in my parents suburb), when I saw the damage I was sad because I thought that the horses might have gotten killed or hurt. Turns out that no horses were harmed, hooray! What I saw during the storm was buckets of rain for half a day. Driving to the methadone clinic sure was crazy though- I thought the wind was gonna flop the car right over. Everyone was driving 30mph, with their blinkers/brights on, and in the left lane. Any car who attempted the right or even center lane ended up driving through retardedly large puddles- also getting "stuck" behind the 3 or 4 cars that I saw stalled out in the middle of a road-lake over there. They must've flooded their undercarriages, hah! But I have shown my superior driving skills if I can make it through that- fuck not having a "permission slip," I am one of the safest drivers I know!
On the forum I hang out at, someone spewed a bunch of hate at me... started a whole thread about it. Have these people not figured out that that type of shit doesn't bother me? In fact I like the attention- yeah I'm a total attention whore, so is anyone with a "tell-all" blog, who cares. The funniest thing about that forum is that if any given member dislikes any other member, they will actually give a psychiatric diagnosis- because after all, reading lies that people post is the best way to figure out their medical problems. My "diagnosis" was borderline personality disorder, which I thought was great. If you want to see what was written (it is pretty funny) go here:
I don't know if it will work because it's on a "private" part of the forum actually. If non-members could let me know if that link works, cause it obviously works for me but I am a member. One thing about this guy- at least he posted his flame with a username instead of anonymously over here. I guess that shows he has at least one testicle right?
Send more money!
9 months ago
You are pretty fucking irritating. And as Pac once said, "You ain't gotta' lie to kick it."
You sorta' bear a resemblance to Lou Ferrigno. You know, the actor/bodybuilder who played the television version of The Increedible hulk in the early 80's. You kinda also have a female version of the Mad Magazine cover boy Alfred E. Newman. People actually paid you for secks???? "Nigga', PLEASE!"
Why are there so many fucking assholes out there? I don't get it??!! Anyway, I'm proud of you girl. I'm glad you're off the weed too, the least of anything the better when you're so close to popping.
I sent you some cash via Paypal.
I really think anyone who reads this blog on a regular basis, hell even only occasionally, should chip in for the baby.
You've got my email addy if you need me.
Sure, donate money so she can turn your twenty dollar bill into a fifth of a gram sized chunk of crack cocaine with which she can use to smother her baby in a warm blanket of motherly love in the form of freebase smoke.
Shelly...consider becoming AN HERO.
Donate money to eugenics research instead of this flaming shitbag on the front porch of humanity.
Wow, you people have some balls, posting tacky comments under "anonymous".
I suppose you are just perfect, right?
Get a life. If you don't like what you read, go read somewhere else.
It's cool, I understand why you stay, it's just so easy to hide behind that computer screen and spew "anonymous" bullshit.
Quite pedestrian points to make. Almost childlike. None of what you have to say has any relevance to the fact that this type of behavior is what is wrong with our society as a whole. "
Mary sucks dick for money...but since she uses that money to feed her 10 children that makes it okay. Never mind that her actions contribute to the decay of our civilization.
The ends don't always justify the means. Liberal trash thinking. Garbage in garbage out. we need to start BURNING our garbage.
Hey Gorgeous,
It seems that you have an awful lot of saints (perfect humans) casting stones (spewing hatred). America definitely needs more of these anonymous despicable scum’s, to bring up our standards.
On the other hand, you are more of a saint than they could ever hope to be. You have beaten the odds (which is an unbelievable feat in itself)!!! You are deserving of praise and admiration. I consider myself blessed to have met you, and as time goes on, you amaze me more and more
Donate money to eugenics research instead of this flaming shitbag on the front porch of humanity.
"Hey Gorgeous,
It seems that you have an awful lot of saints (perfect humans) casting stones (spewing hatred). America definitely needs more of these anonymous despicable scum’s, to bring up our standards.
On the other hand, you are more of a saint than they could ever hope to be. You have beaten the odds (which is an unbelievable feat in itself)!!! You are deserving of praise and admiration. I consider myself blessed to have met you, and as time goes on, you amaze me more and more"
He's almost got your ass back on the street. This is pretty comical.
Hello Michelle,
I'm so glad you're okay and that you've quit smoking pot! Good for you! I know how hard it's going to be living apart from your brother but that's only going to strengthen the bond between you two. You two are so lucky to have each other. Stay safe and healthy my friend. Forget the haters, they're just trying to bring you down and you can't let that happen not after how far and how hard you've worked.
Hiya Shelley - I just PayPaled you 50$ as a baby prez. This Grandma is excited for you and I'm also sending positive vibes for a short labor with a great epidural.
I hope there are many pix of babykins soon....
Barbara aka Poppylvr
Awww... my younger brother left for college, too. I'm close to my brother, like you are with yours. So sad to watch them leave, isn't it? It's different without them...
I'm sure you'll have a nice time with your mom, though. It's good that you want to spend time with your family... I bet they enjoy it.
Congrats on being "weedless"! That's the best thing you can do for little Jaz. In time, you'll notice how much better you feel without it. You don't need it.
And I know you probably already know this, but I'm going to say it anyway. You have to be really careful and not use drugs during the weeks before the baby is born, because they're going to run tests and figure out what drug(s) are in her blood, and if anything (besides methadone) is found, they'll involve CPS and it'll be one big mess for a looonng time. You don't want that. So please be careful, for your sake and for Jaz's.
Love, Tori ♥
Hi Shelley, hope you are feelin' good and not too sad over Lucas. I did make the shirt, mostly 'cause I could.......and cause I knew it would get a rise outta people, it worked! Love ya sweets, take care of yourself. XOXO
Pay attention to what Victoria said bacause it is true. Being a known drug user they will test your blood before you even deliver often in the delivery room and you dont want to have any drugs show up. (besides done) I pray all the pot is out of your system before you deliver. Good luck!
Hi Sweetheart! As you know, my computer is on a little vacation, so hence the lack of updates. I am at the library and their cunting computers won't let me view opiophile. I guess they block certain sites that they think are inappropriate. I wanted to get on there anyway to get my daily dose of opiophile before I saw this post, but now I want to get on there more than ever! FUCK! Well, my baby (laptop) is coming home tomorrow. J took a little longer to get the money than he had said, but what can ya do. Hey, if you get a chance, go back to my journal and look at the comment under yours. WTF? (Columbia, MO is like 2 Hours from me) I tried looking up his i.p which is on my journal but didnt have much luck getting a positive ID. I got two different results. Anyway, I am writing a novel. Good for you on the weed stoppage. I can't wait for my lappy to come home so I can catch up and get back in the swing of things. Much Love, take care.
Hey shelly , yeah that link doesn't work for people who aren't members, and I'm sure you know you can't sign up anymore, least that's what it says...And I'm SUPER glad that you stopped smokin' pot..thats awesome for you and Jaz..And I'm just repeating what Tori said(but I've been meaning to tell you forever) they definetly will test Jaz for other substances cause your on methadone(they did with me and my girl) and I would hate to see DSS(thats what its called up here) get on your ass cause I know you've come super far and you don't deserve to have Jaz taken from you..And hopefully you never will..I left you a comment on M's blog I think in her second to last post..It's nothing special but just thought I would let you know...Stay safe girlie, especially that little one in ya'...
and then in Feb I got clean because I found out about the munchkin and have been off ALL streets since that time,
I moved in with family and was doing really well in my methadone program and NOT breaking any laws when this stupid sherriff comes over my house says he's got a warrant for my arrest for possession!
So you're lying again. According to you, you supposedly stopped smoking pot a week ago, not in Feb.
This is to the Anonymous idiot above. 8/29/08 at 8:10 AM
Get a life, Dingleberry !!!
Hey Shelley, I am back! Got muh laptop back. Is there anyway you could choose to log i.p addresses on your comments? Not that it would do anything, but at least we could have some way of maybe identifying these cowards? Hope you are well.
Love T
Sorry for calling you a moron in my last post, it wasn't called for. With that being said, you can make decent chunk of change with these tales, true or not. If you're interested, send me an e-mail at endemic1206@hotmail.com
Psshhh...logging IP addresses???
Just for that /b/ is coming.
We demand lulz and we will get them.
Shelly is a first class, grade A scammer. She is like a white trash, crackhead version of the stereo typical 80's negroid welfare bandit except she went digital.
You think any of that money you are going to donate is going to go to clothe and feed that mongrel that is festering in her toxic retard incubator that she refers to as a womb. SSSHHHEEIIIITTTT.
I got some bread crumbs soaked in Ora-Jel for 10 bucks a piece for your dumb asses if you're brain dead enough to believe that charade.
All that dough is going into her pipe and her bloodstream in the form of crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and heroin. Someone saw her turnin' tricks about two weeks ago. I heard she can charge extra though since you get a toothless bee-jay at the same time you're pushing into that sad, desease ridden, worn out, floppity excuse for a vagina.
She's just more low key with it.
Hey SHELLEY. Joe S. saw you coming out of your DL spot. you know, where TINA used to stay. P is the one who spotted you and recognized your trick. You can act like I'm blowing bullshit out of my mouth to everyone on here, but you and I and a FEW others know the score.
Once a trick, always a TRICK.
HA HA at the LOU FARRIGNO comparison.
Why do you all HATE her so much? What has she ever done to you?? You might not agree with her choices, but to be so cruel is not warranted.
So much hatred. Why?
"Hey SHELLEY. Joe S. saw you coming out of your DL spot. you know, where TINA used to stay. P is the one who spotted you and recognized your trick. You can act like I'm blowing bullshit out of my mouth to everyone on here, but you and I and a FEW others know the score."
wow...that's a pretty decent call-out...
The reason why Michelle has a lot of haters, is simple, it's called jealousy, resentment torward another's success. she is doing very well in conquering her demons!!!
Most of these angry filled dumb-asses, whom are spewing hatred, are just not capable of this achievement.
I pity these poor souls, for they do not know how ignorant they really our. We can only hope that ignorants is truely bliss and they are not suffering.
AAAHHH, did you really get house arrest? The courts can be so twisted and fucked up. I'm sorry babe (as if that helps) e-mail or call, let me know how you're doin'. Love you, Melody
I don't hate Shelley at all. I just hate the fact that people excuse her fucking ludicris behavior and all the sick shit she partakes in. Since when has smoking crack and swallowing strangers semen in seedy motel rooms became acceptable. Shit like this is what's fucking wrong with our country. Motherfuckers have no personal or social responsibility, what so ever anymore and the KING BABY act is wearing thinner than the 5 year old thongs Shelley wears on the stroll.
People that do the shit she does shouldn't be proud of it. that's what the fuck we've come to. We lack any sort of collective moral compass and re-enforcing shit like this just digs us deeper as a whole. I'm sure that the Floridian taxpayers are gonna get a kick out of footing the bill for her pregnancy.
"Sorry for calling you a moron in my last post, it wasn't called for. With that being said, you can make decent chunk of change with these tales, true or not. If you're interested, send me an e-mail at endemic1206@hotmail.com"
...nice Warren...
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