The haunted houses were pretty damn awesome. We would say, "someone is gonna jump out from behind that wall right there, be prepared" and when someone did jump out from there, we'd still scream and jump in fear even though we knew beforehand. I guess it was the atmosphere... plus the beer, the strobe lights, and the noise. Near the end of one of the places, a costumed girl stops us and says "are you claustrophobic? No? Well then, go ahead..." Looking back, we should have said HELL YES! There were 2 huge black tarps being blown in from either side, pressing hard against each other, and folks had to squeeeeze through in the pressure-filled pitch blackness. I didn't like that too much (especially since everyone's sweaty body had rubbed all over that black thing that rubbed across my face) but I gotta admit it was a good ending to a scary haunted house.
On Halloween night itself I stayed home with Jaz and Greg who was off work and in town for the weekend (hooray!!) and passed out candy. To be honest, I ate over half of the candy I bought to pass out, but fuck I'm the one who put up the cash so why not eat it myself? I can't wait until next year, when Jasmyne will be old enough to go trick or treating- and every year after that of course. : ) Let her eat as much candy as she wants the first night, she'll throw up, and I'll get the rest! [[yes I am kidding, you Shelley-hating motherfuckers]]
Halloween was also my court date, after two continuances. I was supposed to get my ankle bracelet that day or the Monday after, but the house arrest people haven't gotten in touch with my attorney so guess what happened? Another goddamned continuance!!!! I go back to court on Nov 13th. I suppose I should be grateful for the extra time, but if house arrest never starts, then it can never fucking END, now can it? Lame... I just want that crap over with already.
They canceled the baby's Medicaid and I had to pay out of my pocket to take her to the doctor for her well-baby visit. Very very gay. Especially after I sat in the DCF office twice for a total of [at least] 4 hours trying to get that shit straightened out. First they put her birthdate as April something, then they wrote "black" under her race (for those who didn't know, Jazzy's biological father is a blond white guy, and yes I do know who he is), and now they canceled her insurance altogether. It's starting to piss me off- I don't want the coverage for myself anymore, I just need my fucking child to go see the fucking doctor! She has to get all her immunizations next month- they better have her shit straight by then. I'm going back to the DCF office a-fucking-gain tomorrow and this time I'm gonna piss and moan instead of being so polite, since that obviously didn't get me jack shit.
For anyone who was waiting for me to mention it... it is The Day of Reckoning! That is to say, election day is upon us, and by the end of the day the nation will know if we are in deep shit or not- and I will find out if Greg owes me twenty dollars or if I have to go the ATM and make a withdrawal for him. Yes, I bet twenty dollars on my candidate.........
JOHN MCCAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
You know the crazy part, I don't even like him or Palin. But I really really REALLY don't like that fucking Obama clown! He will run us into the ground! There is a Mccain sticker on Jasmyne's stroller, and 2 signs in my yard (neither of which are mine). Go John Mccain!! Go white guy!!
Well, I gotta get off the internet soon, since I am needed to tend to a crazy baby who flat-out refuses to nap. She was throwing up this morning too... do I have a sick baby on my hands? She's spoiled rotten (I never put her down except to sleep and drive, hah) but not sick- I hope! : ( : (
Better head to that ATM
yup...I don't like McCain or Palin either, but I REALLY dislike Obama/Biden. They scare the beegeebies out of me!!!!
You and Jazz look beautiful!!
I just need my fucking child to go see the fucking doctor!
Then pay for it loser.
"Then pay for it loser."
That actually made me laugh a little because as I type this, I have NO medical coverage yet, I refuse to ask for a handout. Heh. Novel concept, eh?
I thought Greg was the biological father?
Greg is the father, no questions asked!!!
"Greg is the father, no questions asked!!!"
Question SHOULD be asked due to your extensive 'work' history.
That old man is NOT the father
"That old man is NOT the father"
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