I never get to update anymore because Jaz doesn't let me go online. Seriously, she will be just chillin' or sleeping or someone else will be holding her, no problems at all- until I sit down at the computer. Then she starts howling like a freaking banshee. I've tried holding her in the sling so I can hold her and have my hands free to type, but for some reason she starts crying the minute I sit down in the computer chair. Weird huh? See, I want to make her a playlist for my ipod because in the hospital Greg and I discovered that she likes country music (especially Dolly Parton) but every time I touch the keyboard or the mouse, she goes off. I guess it's cause I'm not paying 100% attention to her, huh? So when I do get online it's always for a short short time so I don't bother coming on the blog. I go on my message boards or I download music on shareaza. Anyone who has emailed me, hah! I haven't checked that either. I guess since my real life got more hectic, my virtual life has taken a beating. Whatever, I'll get over it! :)
Even though she won't let me post, Jaz is a great, easy baby. She mostly only cries when there is a problem (or I'm not paying enough attention to her) such as wet diaper, hunger, bored, etc. She sleeps through the night, usually waking up only once. She hangs out and makes lots of happy noises. When she wakes up, she doesn't scream, instead she makes little "aah aah" noises to get my attention and let me know that she's awake without busting my eardrums. After all, I do sleep a couple inches away from her. :) I have a queen bed, so I put a small 'baby bed' in the middle of the bed and she sleeps there while I sleep on the side of the bed. The 'baby bed' is actually a pillow with cylindrical pillows velcro-ed [is there a word for 'attached with velcro'?] on each side so that I put the baby on the pillow and she can't roll out of it. I like sleeping next to her- it makes me feel safe and it keeps the voices quiet. But the baby bear... she's so good-natured. Except when she's taking a bath- then she freaks the fuck out. She'll get over it.
I'm doing good too, that has a lot to do with the fact that Jasmyne is doing good. I'm still clean amazingly enough. Well to be totally honest, the night before my first court case (last Tuesday) I left Jazzy with my folks for a couple hours and went to the local bar for some beers. I had 3 or 4 Bud Lights and bullshitted with some spanish guys who I met there. Two of them had babies at home also HAH so we talked about that mostly, and also that english is a harder language to learn than spanish (as a second language). I went to the bar because I figured I wouldn't be going anywhere for a while...
House arrest! Did I even write about that on here? My original court date was Tuesday, but it was re-scheduled to Friday, and now it's on Oct 31 so my lawyer can get the proper paperwork to get me "approved" for house arrest. [As we left the courtroom on Friday, I told my lawyer how last Halloween I was in jail and this Halloween I'll be in court.] I am pleading out my old-ass possession charge: 120 days house arrest, with a few exceptions. I can go to the 'done clinic every day, I can go to church on Sundays (weird that the prosecutor agreed to that huh?), I can go grocery shopping once a week, and I can go to all my and the baby's dr appointments. Not that bad, huh?
Time to feed crazy baby... :)
9 months ago
I'm glad she's a good baby for you, and I'm really glad your still doin good..I still sleep with my daughter..it's comforting..Maybe being on house arrest will be good thing in case any cravings come along..How long are u on for? Your lucky you have parents that help out, really lucky..Try and update more I always wonder how things are for you..:)
I am really happy for you and your beautiful girl. It's awesome that you have stayed clean for your baby. It's not easy and it shows how much she means to you. You should be proud; of yourself and of your gorgeous Jaz.
Random q: Do the other members of your church know about your past?
Hello Michelle,
Your baby girl doesn't want you to leave her side, babies know! I am so tremendously happy for you! Enjoy motherhood mama. Stay safe.
PS I don't know whether or not I told you this but I love your profile blurb.
As all have said Im happy for you too ! these are the best days of your life , enjoy them
Did the court approve smoking pot while breastfeeding?
I suppose there's always gotta be SOMEONE pissing on your daisies!
I love ya girl and I know you are doing an amazing job with your lil cub. You both sounded happy and healthy when we spoke and I know it's only gonna get better. XOXO, Melody
Hey Gorgeous,
Thanks for all the phone calls, I really needed to know how my two girls' our doing ! ! ! I apologize for not calling, but I only wanted to talk to my two girls, but insted, my inlaws' seemed to be the only people answering the phone.
I understand that after women have thier baby, that the companion/boyfriend/husband/signifficant other gets moved down a notch, in my situation, the question is, Greg Who.
Anybody out there, in space, know any good In-Law jokes, I believe there has to be a million of them.
Here's a joke about x-wifes. During the divorce, she took everything------- except for the blame, this joke can also double as a joke obout Republicans.
My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't
I went to a harassment seminar the other day, the speakers' name was Ken. Ken explained the different types of harassment and what to watch out for, When he was done, ken said," any questions?" Yes I said, is her ass one word or two
"If you want your wife to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep."
it can also double as a joke about Republicans.
A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor’s office. After his checkup, the doctor called the wife into his office alone.
He said, "Your husband is suffering from a very severe disease, combined with horrible stress. If you don’t do the following, your husband will surely die."
"Each morning, fix him a healthy breakfast. Be pleasant, and make sure he is in a good mood. For lunch make him a nutritious meal. For dinner prepare an especially nice meal for him. Don’t burden him with chores, as he probably had a hard day. Don’t discuss your problems with him; it will only make his stress worse. And most importantly satisfy his every whim. If you can do this for the next 10 months to a year, I think your husband will regain his health completely."
On the way home, the husband asked his wife, "What did the doctor say?"
"You’re going to die," she replied.
What do you call an Alabama farmer with a sheep under each arm?
A pimp.
Q. What should you do if you see your ex-husband rolling around in pain on the ground?
A. Shoot him again.
Hey Greg,
You don’t have to make jokes about Republicans, just turn on the tv and watch those two clowns Mc Cain - Pailin performing.
It’s very funny!!!!!!!!
call me I cant post (561) 793-0453
"call me I cant post (561) 793-0453"
Now that's just plain fucked up. You do know that karma is a bitch, right? I'm just sayin'.
Jaz, let yo' momma update!!! Especially with cute halloween pics of you!
Let the character assassination begin, and lets keep the father away from his daughter, because we do not feel comfortable with this.
Also, lets see if Michelle will find somebody in church, my church (because there is only one way, the way of my church, the only true way, your either with us or against us, lets live life by the book that was written long long ago). What a waste of energy !!!
I always thought that family should work together not try to hurt each other, As a republican once said, you go to war with the army you have, not with the army you wish you had.
I heard Michelle is back on Dixie Highway...
"I heard Michelle is back on Dixie Highway..."
I hope that's not true.
Well I get my coffee at a Cuban bakery on Dixie... does that count? :)
Oh and to the person who published that phone number... why don't you grow some stones and publish MY number if you're so big and bad? You already know the area code, and I'll give you a hint: it starts with 8 and ends with 4. Do it, pussy!!
the REAL shelley
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