I went to Disneyworld and the baby had a great time. I will post pics soon. This is just a superquick update to let folks know that I have not given up on this blog. This weekend I'll start writing more regularly again. Also went other places too. Tons of fun. Lucas is staying the whole summer which is AWESOME!!!!!
Real quick: A search helicopter chased us away from the heap, there was chocolately earthy goodness and a floor too dirty to put the baby on. She learned how to boing boing boing and there's another tooth which she uses to eat Cheerios and pieces of fruit and cheese. No more tenant at Greg's house. I hate Super Smash Bros but love Donkey Kong. We stay higher than a telephone wire. That's about it for now.
Next up: pictures of Disneyworld!
9 months ago
what do you mean higher than a telephone wire?
<---- not a pothead, just a smoker here
i smoke so much goddamn weed i don't think of it as "getting high" anymore
i just burn small amounts throughout the day to get me in a better happier mood
so i can take care of all my business, make money and change diapers
but early in the morning (5-6am) and at night after the baby goes to bed (8pm-12am)
thats when i get really blazed
i also couldn't be without weed
"higher than a telephone wire" is a song lyric from Lil Wayne.
What is "the Heap"??
wouldn't you like to know....
Yes, I would also like to know what is a Heap? I bet it is a pile of dirt where you can hide from everyones site, like a secret club house with out the house.
Look, I don't agree with alot of what you say on the messageboard. I don't get along with you, don't like your posts.
But seeing that beautiful, smiley, doe eyed baby makes me crumble. Reminds me that there are precious things in life, other than getting high. Here's to you and your baby, shelley.
OK, it has been long enough! Update us on what is going on with you and Jazzy! Inquiring minds want to know!
I just got back to town. Glad all y'all are alive and well. Doesn't look like I missed much. As long as you know the difference tween a heap and being heaped, I think you will do fine. Even though they say deep down everyone is a better person, please do stay higher than a telephone wire cuz I understand they too are mostly buried these days. -lefty
hey bitch, it's been more than a week. update so we can slam your ass
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