As if the new federal tobacco tax and ban on flavored tobacco and blunt-wraps wasn't enough of a pain in my ass, there is also a new state tax on cigarettes- an extra fucking dollar a pack. Jesus Harold Christ on a fucking rubber crutch. I paid $5.49 last night for a pack of Newports, and that really hurt. A year ago I bought 3 packs for 9 bucks. And if that store that I frequent is selling them for $5.49, that means the average asking price around here is up to around SEVEN BUCKS A PACK. It's disgusting. I'm gonna start rolling my own cigarettes, cause I don't want to quit smoking.
My brother thinks that stuff like new taxes on cigarettes and cap-and-trade (which will raise gas and utility prices) are what will keep Obama from getting re-elected. People can hear him on TV talking about compassion and hope and say "awesome!" and they won't know that the national debt just went up another 3 trillion dollars because it doesn't affect them. Once these folks are paying more for cigarettes and gas, they will take notice. Why is it so expensive now? Because there's a new tax. That hits them where they live because it's not just a number on a piece of paper, it's THEIR money being spent more quickly. And then every time they hear Obama spitting game on TV, their brains will filter right past the bullshit and all they will hear is, "there's a new tax." If something good can come of this and we can at least get rid of that stupid socialist elitist black asshole in the White House, then cool.
It's the Fourth of July which is awesome. We are going to the big tea party tonight at downtown which is awesome. It's gonna have all the people from the April 15th protest, plus all the people who just heard about it from their friends and family, plus all the people who are kicking themselves in the ass about missing the April one, plus all the curious people who want to see how big this movement really is, PLUS all the people who have gotten pissed the fuck off at Obongo since then. Tons of fun. Jazzie is gonna have so much fun, and just like last time I shall post pics.
My birthday is day after tommorrow, then in a couple weeks my brother is turning 21 which is just the bees' knees because once he can sit at a bar and hang out, we have a place to kill time where we're not getting bit by mosquitos.